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  • 수산물 수출관련
  • bob (oheaven)
  • 질문 : 2건
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  • 2007-11-11 22:31
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안녕하십니까 수산물 수출관련 업무를 하는 업체를 찾습니다 종목은 머드크랩입니다 일단 메일로 연락바랍니다 yschey77@daum.net     

꼭 필요한 질문, 정성스런 답변 부탁드립니다!



기타싱가포르에 대해 팀레포트 준비중인데요..

  • 답글 : 1
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해지론(bifrost216) 2003-09-09
추천수 : 42 조회수 : 1,659

안녕하세여. 저는 해외지역연구개론(이하 해지론) 강의를 듣고 있는 학생입니다. 이번에 저희 조에서 싱가포르에 대한 조사를 하고 있거든요. 현재.. 주 초점은 경제적.사회적.문화적 특징입니다. 아래의 사이트를 참고해서 준비중이구요. 한국에 있는 대형서점에 가 보았는데…

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    아래의 주소로 찾아가셔서 각 항목의 아이콘을 클릭하면 각 웹사이트로 들어가게 됩니다. 주소와 개략적인 내용은 다음과 같습니다. 그리고 참고로 브리태니커 전자판을 구하실 수 있으면 거기서 싱가포르 아이템 마지막에 있는 참고문헌과 링크를 이용하셔도 좋은 자료를 구하실 수 있습니다. (하지만 간혹 웹주소가 바뀐경우도 있지요.) http://www.nus.edu.sg/sgstudies/links.htm Useful Links           The following is a selected list of websites where you can learn more about Singapores culture, heritage, community and country. This is surely the definitive website for those who wish to know more about National Education in Singapore. Set up by the Ministry of Education, this website provides detailed information about the purpose, approach, messages and components of Nation Education. Highlighted are milestones/episodes in SIngapore history. Examples include the founding of the Housing Development Board (HDB), Singapore Airlines (SIA), the first intake of National Servicemen, and the longest period of water rationing in Singapore. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An informative and pictorial representation of Singapore- its people, places and landmarks, and significant events of the past- that have and will continue to shape Singapores present and future. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A website providing links to the Asian Civilisations Museums, Singapore Art Museum, Singapore History Museum, National Archives of Singapore, Heritage Conservation Centre, and National Museum Shop. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The National Archives of Singapore website helps us to better understand and discover Singapores heritage. Embark on a cyber voyage of discovery as you explore Marked Historic Sites, Conservation Areas, National Monuments, Memorials and Statues. Take a walk down memory lane as you visit the various school and Singapore history websites. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Archives and Artifacts Online Singapore (a2O) is a one-stop portal site on heritage information. a2O allows users to seamlessly search information across NHBs various independent databases and view selected photographs, maps and plans, listen to oral history interview samplers and watch snippets of audio-visual recordings, round the clock.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another National Archives of Singapore website that gives information and is a useful directory on the Bukit Chandu Reflections Centre. Opened officially on 15 February 2001, the World War II Interpretative Centre commemorates the gallantry and sacrifice of men of the 1st and 2nd Battalion Malay Regiment who defended the western sector of Singapore in February 1942.    Watch this space for more exciting links.     

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