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  • 싱가폴 공립학교로 전학 시험인AEIS 시험 추가 S-AEIS시험 공고

페이지 정보

  • 싱홈스 (emprettykslee)
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    4. 2011-09-06


싱가폴 교육부에서 주관하는 외국인 싱가폴 공립학교 전학 시헙인 AEIS 시험이

다음달로 다가왔다. 몇년 사이에 주변국에서 싱가폴로 전학하고자 하는 학생이

많아지자 싱가폴 교육부에서 전학생을 위해 1년에 1회 시험을 실시했다.

이 시험 접수를 못해서 기회를 놓치거나 시험에 떨어진 학생을 위한 보충 시험으로

S-AEIS를 발표했다.

2012학년 1월 신학기에 들어갈 학생들은 10월에 있는 시험에 응시해서 합격하거나

아직 실력이 부족하다고 생각하거나 9월 13일 이전까지 원서를 접수할 상황이 못되어

10월에 있을 시험을 못보는 학생의 경우는 내년 2월이나 3월에 실시할 예정인

S-AEIS 시험에 응시해서 내년 상반기에 학교를 배정 받을 수 있다.

이로써 QT 시험과 PACT 시험은  점차 없어질 예정이라는 교육부 담당자의 말이다.

웹사이트 참조 http://www.moe.gov.sg/education/admissions/international-students/

Supplementary Admissions Exercise for International Students
(I) School Admission for IS without Dependant’s Pass (DP), Immigration Exemption Order (IEO), or with neither parent who is Singapore Citizen (SC) nor Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR)
From 2012, MOE will hold a Supplementary Admissions Exercise for International Students (S-AEIS) in February / March every year. This means that there will be two exercises for admissions into a particular school calendar year, for example, in September / October 2011 and February / March 2012 for admissions into Academic Year 2012. This initiative will provide better facilitation and convenience to international students (IS) as well as streamline the administrative processes for our schools.

Since 2008, IS wishing to seek school admission to mainstream public primary and secondary schools, and who will be age 7 and above as of 1 January in the year of school admission, may take part in an annual AEIS during the September / October period every year. Under AEIS, IS enjoy the convenience of a centralised test on English and Mathematics, and an offer of a school place if they pass the test. An applicant who passes the test is offered a place in a suitable school, based on available vacancies and his performance in the centralised test. These successful applicants can start school at the beginning of the academic year in January.

Previously, IS who were unable to participate in the September / October AEIS may sit for and must pass the Qualifying Test (QT) before approaching individual schools for further school-based admissions tests. Many approach more than one school to increase their chances of admission and are often required to sit for different admission tests by the schools they are applying to. Our schools also need to cope with the additional administrative load to conduct such tests.

With the availability of the S-AEIS in February / March, there will be no more QTs from July 2011 onwards. Applicants who pass the S-AEIS will be offered a place in a suitable school with vacancies based on their S-AEIS results. IS should not approach our schools for admissions as it will be centrally managed.

International students who wish to start school at the beginning of Academic Year 2012 are encouraged to register for the 2011 AEIS.

(II) School Admission for IS with DP, IEO, or with either parent who is SC or SPR
These IS are encouraged to take part in the AEIS / S-AEIS for the convenience of centralised testing and posting. If they are unable to participate in AEIS / S-AEIS, they may continue to apply for admission at their schools of choice directly. Admission is subject to the school’s admission criteria and the availability of vacancies.

이 기사가 도움이 되셨다면 추천 버튼을 눌러주세요! 다음 기사작성에 큰 도움이 됩니다.


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